اسم الرب برج حصين

"From time to time, the prophet David used to play the Oud and write words and sing them to the Lord. From there he taught us how to praise our Creator and sing joyfully to God. Come and spend an hour with the Christian singer Monir Habib and ask to listen to your favorite song."
Are you looking for God? See the servants John Ghobreal - Elia Isaac - Safwat Tadros - Isaac Shehata They explain the relationship of God to human and His wonderful plan for your salvation.
Take a trip with Mary Magdalene to meet this unique person who does not condemn an adulteress like the rest of the clergy, and does not mock the public who steals the people, but changes the heart from within to reflect this on the whole life.
Daring program that addresses the issues of contemporary Arab women and challenges society and customs that cause tremendous pain in the lives of women in our societies. Watch "Search for the Woman" on Almagd TV
A vital and important program for youth that encourages the building of a better life based on the teachings of the Bible and warns the Arab youth of following the ideas and theories that lead to spiritual, psychological and social destruction.